This is what I intended to write today:
SO, Tuesday's primaries pretty much put the last nail in the coffin of Sen. Hilary Rodham Clinton. Read 'em any ol way you want, the truth is Obama did better than projected in Indiana showing that his popularity actually rebounded faster than expected from the Rev. Wright attack. (yeah, that's right, I called it an attack, if you don't think that debacle was orchestrated from behind the scenes then you really need to pull your head out.)
The thing about elections, which are basically mathematical models, finite, limited outcome models, with all these extraneous factors is that the longer they run, the fewer factors will affect the outcome. At some point, say about… now, when the scenario has run long enough, the outcome isn't rationally changeable. At that point there are no longer trends, there are only the cold hard numbers. Run the numbers any way you want to, there's no freakin' way the Clinton campaign can pull this one out.
So why, you might be asking yourself, is she still in the campaign? Denial? Well, that's always a desirable quality in a president but there's something else going on here. There's the convention and before the convention there's the rules committee meeting on May 31st. The rules and bylaws committee, you see, is made up of 30 high-ranking party officials, 13 of whom work for the Clinton campaign.
But Dan, didn't you say a minute ago that at some point in the model that factors and trends can't affect the outcome? Well, yeah, I did. But if you change the model, by changing something like, oh, I don't know… THE RULES AND BYLAWS then you have an entirely different model.
Keep your eyes open kiddies, expect some crazy, underhanded shit to go down starting May 31st at that meeting. Hillary Clinton may not be ethical, but she's not stupid. She knows the numbers as they stand today and she'd drop out now if she didn't have something up her sleeve.
That's what I was going to write, then the Clinton camp fired off this little nugget this morning. Below is a real quote; I didn't even paraphrase for dramatic effect:
“I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on,” (citing an article by The Associated Press).
It “found how Senator Obama’s support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me.”
“There’s a pattern emerging here.”
Ok, first off, that statement fundamentally says: "stupid people think I'd make a good president." An emerging pattern? Um, no, no pattern at all, just white sheets (with little eye holes cut out of them). WTF? Really, is she expecting "W" cross party lines and vote for her? I know Rove is looking for a job these days. I guess she's courting the 23% of America that still approves of the Bush administration.
By the way, in case you don't think that the Clinton political machine has the press in their pocket. That quote has been pulled off both the NY Times and the CNN feeds this morning since they noticed how poorly it was playing…
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