Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Stock up on the hard stuff now boys and girls 'caus it's gonna be a long election.

Which story should we believe? The week before last I got an email blurb about Barack Obama having gone to a muslim school called a madrassa. A madrassa is the kind of place where young muslims are inculcated with the kind of fanaticism that breeds suicide bombers and crazy-freaky jihadists. The story pondered what the reaction of the islamic community would be (because in the muslim religion an apostate is the very worst kind of infidel --worse, even, than the jews or Americans).

A couple of days later I was directed to an article in The Washington Post's sister publication Insight Magazine which reiterated the story that Obama had gone to a madrassa (although in his book The Audacity of Hope he claims to be a practicing christian). This article while maintaining the original contention that he had in fact gone to madrassa goes on to claim that the source who uncovered this was in fact in the campaign staff of Hillary Clinton.

Most recently CNN has broken the story that Obama didn't attend a madrassa at all and that although he went to a muslim school it was in fact much less radical. As for their part in all of this Hillary's staff disavows any knowledge of said madrassa and claims that this is clearly the work of the right-wing republican party (because they have what to gain by this?).

In the end, only time will tell. Obama's name is now conveniently associated with fanatical muslims making it a lot more likely that Hillary will get the Democratic nomination for president.

So what are we to believe? In light of this, unless the Democratic party pulls its collective head out of its ass then the smart money is betting on Cheney-Rove ticket in '08.


At 4:18 PM, Blogger PlaysByEar said...

Stop posting, you're giving me a headache!

At 4:25 PM, Blogger Chlamydia said...

all the news that's fit to print -- and then some!

At 9:45 PM, Blogger brownie said...

I'm voting for Obama because he's a pack a day smoker!


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